Keeping Our Cool

Originally published in the Informanté newspaper on Thursday, 8 September, 2016.
It is a marvel of our times, and yet it is so easily overlooked. There’s hardly a house or dwelling without one, and when you walk into stores, the walls are lined with them. It’s almost the first thing a new homeowner buys, and yet its only noticed when its noisy, or it stops working. It’s that wonderful white slab that adorns the wall – the refrigerator. 
Refrigeration changed the world, and yet we hardly give it a second thought. Before refrigeration, or about 100 years ago, we had to make do with ice. Since 1100 BCE, the Chinese used underground icehouses. Donkeys transported ice from the Alps to the Roman emperors. Boats shipped snow to Istanbul during the 16th century. By the 19th century, snow was cut from the lakes in North America for commercial use, and transported to places as far away as India. 

Ice production became an industry unto itself. Railroads with refrigerated cars crossed the wealthy nations, and ice wagons were a familiar sight on the streets. But ice had a fundamental problem – it could be polluted, and that posed health hazards. That meant the time was right for someone to discover mechanically manufactured ice – or mechanical refrigeration. And by applying the discoveries made by Robert Boyle, and tested by Michael Faraday, inventors across the globe set themselves to the task. And succeeded.

Our lives would be much different if not for refrigeration. Before refrigeration, everyone had to rely on local foods produced – and dried meats. A steady diet of fruit would be all but impossible, after all – fruit is kept chilled though all through its myriad supply chains on the way to your home. Fish? Inland? Impossible without being frozen just after being caught. Butter? You’d just have a sloppy mess to spread on your bread. Refrigeration supresses the growth of food-borne bacteria, so you are unlikely today to get as sick from food as you would even a few generations ago.

The availability of refrigeration means fresh meat and produce is available almost across the globe, and is a lifesaver to farmers, who can sell their produce quite far afield. We have a much greater variety of food in our diet, and yet so few people understand the basic principles on which it operates.
It’s well-known that a calorie is the energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1°C. (The calorie used in food is actually a kilocalorie, just so you know.) And it makes sense that if you mix 100g of liquid water at 100°C and 100g liquid water at 0°C, that you’d have a mixture of water at 50°C after you stir it. However, if you mix 100g of liquid water at 100°C and 100g of solid water (ice) at 0°C, and stir it, you’d find to your surprise that the temperature of the mixture after is only 10°C. In fact, you’d find that if you heat a mixture of ice and water at 0°C, the temperature would not rise above 0°C until all the ice is melted. 

The water molecules in ice are, in fact, bound together by strong attractive forces (electromagnetic, or electro-nuclear forces) that keep it a solid. Energy is required to counter these forces, and thus extra energy is needed to break apart those bonds. For water to turn into ice, it needs to lose 80 calories of energy per gram, and conversely, for ice to melt, it needs to absorb 80 calories per gram. This is called the ‘latent heat of fusion,’ as there is another type of latent heat as well. When water turns to steam, a similar effect occurs – water remains at 100°C until 539 calories of energy per gram is added, and then it turns to steam. This is called the ‘latent heat of vaporisation.’

Thus the ‘latent heat of vaporisation’ uses or releases quite a bit more energy in the conversion between liquids and gas. Gases, however, have another property that is quite useful. Boyle’s Law states that the volume of a gas is inversely proportional to the pressure. When enough pressure is applied to a gas, the molecules come in closer and closer contact, until they revert to a liquid.
Suppose a gas, such as ammonia, or isobutane, is placed under pressure in a closed container. If the pressure is high enough, it will turn into a liquid and lose the latent heat of vaporisation. If this ammonia is in a free-flow environment, with liquid water or simply air flowing around it, the heat will be absorbed by the water or air, and the liquid ammonia would be no warmer than the gas had been. 

Now suppose this ammonia or isobutane flows from this location to another one, and the pressure is decreased so that the ammonia boils and again becomes a gas. It needs to absorb an amount of energy, or heat, in the same amount it had lost before. It will absorb this heat from the nearest source – itself and its neighbours. The temperature would drop! Now imagine this cycle is made part of some sort of device that alternately compresses it and allows it to evaporate – you would have developed a heat pump! Finally, you place one part of the machine inside a heat-isolated box, and voila! You have a refrigerator. 

Refrigeration is not only important in farming, to prevent post-harvest and post-slaughter losses, or for maintaining food safety. It has spread to many other industries. Air conditioning works on the same principles, and is vital in hot countries such as ours. Medicines and vaccines are kept refrigerated, and treatments such as cryosurgery and cryotherapy depend on it. It is vital to keep machines cool during manufacturing, and all computer systems depend on heat pumps to stay operational. CERN’s Large Hadron Collider, which is investigating the sub-atomic particles, would be impossible to operate without it. 

So next time you walk into the kitchen, and open that door, feeling the wash of cold air over your face, take a moment. Remember you are standing in front of a marvel of the modern age. Refrigeration has enabled humanity to solve large problems in food distribution, and the billions of people who can eat every day depend on it. And yet it is so ubiquitous that you hardly give it a second thought.

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